Why choose ipoque as OEM partner for advanced deep packet inspection

Your business, your priorities

Bring your ideas to market faster
by licensing DPI software from ipoque

The value of licensing DPI software from an expert

Deep packet inspection (DPI) is a technique for monitoring network and application traffic at the packet level providing insights into the protocol and application layer. Networking solutions require granular visibility of IP network traffic in real time to keep today’s networks safe, agile and reliable. To boost your network monitoring or cybersecurity solution with DPI, you need to decide first whether to use open-source DPI, build your own in-house DPI tool or buy a next-generation DPI software from an expert such as ipoque.

Whether you require application-aware networking for software-defined networks to enable policy control and critical traffic steering or to protect corporate networks, IoT devices and cloud platforms from malicious attacks, choosing the right DPI tool is crucial. Accelerate your time to market and rely on ipoque's expertise in deep packet inspection software. We help you to transform your business, ensuring that your breakthrough ideas get to market quickly.

Accelerate time to market and increase revenue

Buying DPI software from an expert such as ipoque gives immediate access to an up-to-date library with thousands of applications and protocols, out of the box. This enables solution builders to meet aggressive product cycles whilst developers can maintain the required focus on their core technology and not be distracted by the labor-intensive practice of building an in-house DPI solution. Licensing advanced OEM DPI software adds capacity, experience and developing talent to your teams so you can innovate faster and accelerate time to revenue.
Whereas a commercial DPI license can be embedded into your product within a few weeks, building your own, basic DPI solution can take up to 1 man-year of development time. Furthermore, licensing DPI software ensures easy and fast integration into your solution and comes with on-site integration assistance.

Reduce development costs by outsourcing DPI

When building your own in-house DPI solution, development costs are comparable to the ones of a commercial DPI. However, when licensing a commercial-grade DPI software from your partner of choice, running costs tend to be much lower. This is due to the high costs of DPI maintenance when you build your own solution. DPI signature maintenance requires the permanent attention of at least three to five people. It is also worth considering that it will eat away at your R&D resources needed for DPI development and other business opportunities. You may consider open-source DPI with the idea that it’s free to use. However, open-source DPI does not end up being “free” because it still requires in-house developers to learn about the software and, more importantly, to customize it. In-house expertise and resources are needed to manage open-source software and develop new protocol or application classifications.

Outsource complexity

A DPI software is only as good as its creators designed it to be. If you want to build your own DPI, several factors come into play. Besides the pure protocol and application classification coverage, other must-have criteria for DPI software are high performance, reliability and accuracy. As most of the internet traffic is now encrypted, reliable DPI software needs a toolkit of advanced techniques to classify traffic even if it is encrypted or obfuscated. Furthermore, the signature library needs to be constantly updated, as new applications appear all the time. Signature updates should be provided on a timely and frequent basis to ensure the highest level of accurate application classification. This is crucial for security and network management solutions as they need to make accurate decisions on the classified traffic. Another critical factor is access to professional expertise. Only when using in-house DPI or a commercial DPI engine you are able to meet tight the SLAs required by your enterprise customers.

Summary benefits oem solution

Why license DPI software from ipoque?

We provide you with easy-to-integrate and simple-to-manage DPI software for physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Sourcing our next-generation DPI software means flexible licensing options and committed support.

  • Rely on decades of experience in advanced DPI and precision made in Germany
  • Get support wherever you need
  • Benefit from our focus on R&D with over 160 in-house developers
  • Focus on your core competencies by licensing leading-edge DPI software
  • Innovate and differentiate your product offering with our help
  • Speed up time to market by optimizing your development schedule
  • Classify encrypted and obfuscated traffic with encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI)

For more information on our future-proof DPI software and our licensing options, please contact us. We are happy to answer all your questions. Our ultimate goal is to find the solution that perfectly fits your needs.

Before buying from us, we offer an extensive proof of concept phase where our consulting engineers define all technical details together with you and you can test our software and its features thoroughly.

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