
Niagara Networks integrates R&S®GSRM for subscriber-aware mobile traffic visibility

About Niagara

Niagara Networks TM is a Silicon Valley-based company providing highly performant and reliable network visibility and traffic delivery solutions. Niagara Networks TM pioneers an Open Visibility Platform (OVP) for hosting virtualized security and traffic analytics tools and applications.

Business areas
Provider of high-performance network visibility solutions


Exponential growth in subscriber traffic with rising mobile data traffic volume

Embedding our GTP subscriber resolving module R&S®GSRM in their Open Visibility Platform to gain full subscriber awareness

Reduced time to market and tangible ROI allows Niagara Networks to focus on their core competencies and meet end customer requirements

The need: complete network and subscriber visibility to manage mobile data traffic challenges with ease

The prerequisite for mobile network traffic analysis is subscriber aware visibility into traffic flows. Supplying them is a considerable challenge, particularly in real-time and without making compromises on performance or availability. Without this visibility, the analysis results and outputs from security, performance and monitoring tools will be incorrect. Moreover, as mobile operators are faced with an exponential growth in subscriber traffic, the ability to intelligently load balance traffic loads between tools, or to target traffic to different tools using flexible criteria becomes paramount. Mobile networks are complex environments in terms of interfaces, subscriber data and traffic throughput. The challenge in being fully and truly subscriber aware lies in the operators’ ability to follow the subscriber’s data plane as the control and data plane identifiers are changing.

Niagara Networks relies on R&S®GSRM for subscriber-aware traffic visibility

Niagara Networks decided on the GTP subscriber resolving module from ipoque based on our leadership and proven expertise. By integrating R&S®GSRM, Niagara Networks boosts their Open Visibility Platform (OVP) with subscriber-aware visibility across 3G, 4G and 5G non-standalone networks allowing them to handle an enormous growth in subscriber data traffic in real time. R&S®GSRM adds intelligence to the network packet broker to identify which packets are from the same subscriber and then directs this traffic to a single tool instance. The OEM software module enables real-time session awareness, allowing the OVP to keep data packets from a single session together and eliminate subscriber correlation delays. R&S®GSRM is not bound to any dependencies except Intel architecture. Its multi-core architecture can be scaled with hardware resources to satisfy high-bandwidth requirements.

Superior network visibility and highly efficient mobile network management

The enhanced subscriber-aware intelligence solution now offers mobile network operators comprehensive and highly flexible mobile traffic visibility. This traffic visibility enables them to handle the enormous growth in subscriber data traffic. It also helps to optimize their network management and improve the quality of service and security for their subscribers.

“By partnering with ipoque, we are able to ensure that our solution will handle the complex call flow scenarios correctly, accurately and in a timely manner. With the Niagara Networks solution, mobile operators‘ tools will get subscriber-aware traffic intelligence and superior operational efficiencies in the ever-growing mobile networks.”

-Yoram Ehrlich, VP products at Niagara Networks-

With the new subscriber-aware mobile visibility solution, mobile operators and service providers can actively transform the management and monitoring of their networks to stay ahead of continually growing amounts of traffic, new real-time services and complex subscriber behaviors. Niagara Networks provides the ability to add new or additional analytics, performance management and security tools to address the challenges in integrating, scaling or aggregating disparate traffic. Consequently, the solution meets the requirement to achieve a holistic view of each subscriber’s daily services and device usage. The smooth integration of R&S®GSRM into their platform circumvented unforeseeable development costs and improved time to market without compromising performance.

R&S®GSRM can thus greatly enhance the speed and responsiveness of mobile networks, and minimize manual intervention.

For all details on Niagara Network’s solution and the benefits of integrating R&S®GSRM from ipoque, check out our case study.

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