Whitepaper: Session and subscriber awareness in mobile core networks

GTP correlation for real-time subscriber insights


While general traffic awareness grants IP network operators an overview of the network, subscriber awareness goes a step further by unearthing deeper insights on the subscriber level. This whitepaper explains why subscriber awareness plays a key role in the management of networks, especially as the number of mobile connections is continuing to grow massively and minor disturbances can have major implications for subscribers’ quality of experience. Our whitepaper explores how GTP correlation, which involves user and control plane correlation, provides mobile network operators with a highly effective technique to deliver subscriber awareness for mobile networks by analyzing parameters at both traffic layers for all incoming sessions.

Why you should read this whitepaper

Find out how providers of mobile networking solutions such as network packet brokers or IP probes as well as mobile operators are able to enhance the performance of their network functions by incorporating the GTP correlation software module R&S®GSRM. Discover how session and subscriber awareness enriches network functions with essential insights, enabling them to increase their functionalities, improve processing efficiency and enhance output accuracy, thus boosting the mobile core’s capacity and capability of handling millions of subscriber sessions.

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